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P2Pu Badge Project 1 (proposed)


I am using this post as the basis for my proposed Badge project for P2PU. I’m keeping it relatively high level and I want to include the issuer, receiver and other possible roles. Any and all commentary is welcomed and actively solicited.

DISCLAIMER: This proposal is neither endorsed nor sponsored by the team of L&D professionals who run the twitter chat discussed herein. It is being used as a vehicle for a possible badging framework across similar professional development chats. Read the rest of this entry

Badges! Badges? Yes, we need some stinkin’ Badges!

In typical “me” fashion, I balance out my early adoption and exploration with a relatively late-to-the-table professional development activity: Badges.

I get the basic concept, but a well-timed email from the folks at my upcoming OLDS MOOC got me thinking a little more seriously about learning more about the process. In relatively short order I found myself reading about the Mozilla Open Badges Initiative, and then earning my first badges!

Well, once I get my teeth into something, I’m keen to keep going. I am now signed up in the P2PU Open Badges 101 self-directed “course” to provide me with a little practical experience in the area of badges and related info. I’m definitely intrigued by the possibilities, even if its not something that I can apply at CFSATE, I like the potential for future opportunities. I also see some very interesting ideas at the corporate level, too…

My next task is to do some mapping out of what a badge program would look like, even at a conceptual level, so I can submit it to P2PU for their consideration.

Wish me luck!